Embracing faith, family and education

Clubs and Activities

At Nazareth Academy, girls engage in hands-on, interactive experiences that enhance our academic program, promote service learning, and provide opportunities to make interdisciplinary connections in new and exciting ways. 

At Nazareth Academy High School, we offer a variety of clubs and activities that keep our students well rounded and involved. With more than 40 clubs and activities to choose from, Nazareth offers countless opportunities for students to explore extracurricular activities and to develop leadership skills. 

Our clubs are student-designed and student-led, with a faculty adviser who offers guidance and mentoring. Our students and faculty are passionate about their interests – and they often extend their club commitments well beyond the boundaries of our schedule and campus.

If we don't have a club or activity that suits a student's desires, then she may write a proposal to begin a new club or activity and present it to our Assistant Principal of Student Life.

List of Clubs and Activities