Embracing faith, family and education

Spiritual Life

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October 2024 Charism Awards

For the month of October, Sloan Schreiber '25, Alison Muller '25, Casey Derouin '25, and Hannah Rachuba '26 were all awarded their student charism of the month. This award recognizes their outstanding ability to care and look out for others. These students showed the true virtues of Nazareth and were nominated by their teachers for the award. Congratulations ladies! The kingdom of God is in you.

Campus Ministry Past Events

On September 15th, Nazareth Academy hosted our first ever Fall Athletes Mass. The Fall athletes gathered in our beautiful Immaculate Conception Chapel to bless our athletes' upcoming season. Good luck girls! The Kingdom of God is in you.


On October 16th, Sister B and the Nazareth Academy Hallow app Representative taught the women of Nazareth how to use the Hallow app. Hallow is an app that helps people become closer to God and pray more frequently. The ladies of Nazareth got to explore and learn more about Hallow and the benefits of the app.

Embracing Faith

Fostering a Climate of Faith Through: