Embracing faith, family and education

Gifts of Stock

 Donating appreciated securities (stocks, bonds and mutual fund shares) held for at least a year and a day to Nazareth is a tax-advantaged way to make a gift and can be done easily. You will be entitled to a charitable deduction on the fair market value of the securities on the date of the gift, and you will not incur any capital gains tax on the appreciation. 

Donating Gifts of Stock

While Nazareth welcomes gifts of cash, there can be a more tax-beneficial way to gift larger amounts. Donating appreciated securities is a win-win for donors and charities. The two key advantages:

  1. Any long-term appreciated securities with unrealized gains (meaning they were purchased over a year ago and have a current value greater than their original cost) may be donated to a public charity and a tax deduction taken for the full fair market value of the securities—up to 30% of the donor’s adjusted gross income.

  2. Since the securities are donated rather than sold, capital gains taxes from selling the securities no longer apply. The more appreciation the securities have, the greater the savings will be.

  3. Nazareth Academy High School TD Ameritrade Account Information:
    TD Ameritrade
    Account# 937054121
    DTC# 0188

To ensure proper crediting of stock gifts, please contact our Director of Development at 215-637-7676.